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We believe travel is essential

Because we know travel distribution is complex, we power any type of company selling travel to make it simple and seamless.

our mission

We build products services and technologies

We build products, services and technologies that help businesses source, book and service travel in a more accessible, simpler and cost-effective way.
We contract, standardise and deliver access to a wide variety of travel contents whatever the source.
‍We standardise workflows for our customers by automating processes, managing operations and providing custimer services, to deliver a digital end-to-end customer experience.
Our travel platform is a unique digital travel provider serving various industry channels with flights, accommodation, cars, transfers, packages, and other services (insurance, payment solutions, etc.).
Our innovative technology solutions are available to all travel professionals and intermediaries to help them make the best of their business.
Digitrips image page About us main qui tient un passeport


Travel and tech for you

The group then added packages with its Idiliz brand and car rental and transfers products into the platform.

Strong values are rooted into DIGITRIPS,
bringing all the group’s teams together and driving our success


The truth lies in simplicity


Treat others as you would like them to treat you


No one knows what they can do until they try


Do not try to be a person of success but a person of value


We only have the pleasure we give


We are proud to consider people from all walks of life

Digitrips image page About us personne de dos paysage montagne

Environmental engagement

We are taking action for sustainable travel

In addition to the actions taken within the group’s companies to consider the social and environmental impact of our activities, DIGITRIPS chooses to tackle the causes of climate change by participating in emission offset programs. DIGITRIPS participates in carbon offsetting by investing in certified reforestation projects that have a local social and economic impact, supported by the Sétosphère endowment fund.
This commitment contributes to the financing of certified programs for ecosystem restoration, agroforestry, and rural energy through a partnership with the Livelihoods fund.
We acknowledge that offsetting emissions alone is not enough to address environmental issues, which is why we are also committed to reducing our direct emissions, promoting responsible travel practices, and raising awareness among our customers about environmental issues.

Social Responsibility, let's run together!

We are an official partner of Imagine for Margo, a non-profit organization that fights childhood cancer.
Nicolas’ (our co-founder and CEO) strong commitment to raising funds inspires all teams and we regularly carry out awareness activities. Nicolas is board member of Imagine for Margo and also co-founder of the Imagine for Margo foundation.
Since 2015, Nicolas has run 47 marathons and 13 ultras to raise awareness and funds for Imagine for Margo to finance child cancer research.
Digitrips image page About us logo Imagine for Margo Children without Cancer
Digitrips image page About us personne qui court avec le logo Imagine for Margo sur le maillot

Management Team